Devices in My Arms

This post shows fake pimple, scratch and sore-like lesions that appear overnight in most cases without rational explanation. I believe the larger circular lesions are wireless communication nodes and the lines connecting "Microwire Antennas." I will never forget the day I found what looked like similar to goose bumps, but felt like someone had wrapped a mesh-like adhesive pad on the inner surface of my upper left arm.  This happened during the time my whole left arm became stiff and painful with motion and usage for no apparent reason.  It felt like a long wire or something was inserted deep into my shoulder down to my hand and fingers.  Whatever was done or inserted into my arm, it became clear that it became increasingly painful and developed sharp electrical shock sensations that ran from my shoulder to my fingers, particularly when near high levels of EMR that I could literally feel in localized areas of the house.  Especially the areas I sat or spent the most time or slept.  Like the Electromagnetic Couch!


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