I haven't been posting anything to this blog for a long time.
I have been dealing with some form of stagnation and uncanny fear inside. Not to mention constant struggle with cocaine addiction in the form of Crack.
I am in dire need of help in my personal life and with validating the unbelievably traumatic experiences I have been through for years now. All of the things I mention to others regarding human wireless communications experimentation understandably sound "delusional", and is easily dismissed as me suffering "drug-induced" paranoia.
But the problem is that I can prove "irrefutably" everything I have said thus far, and have much more evidence covering ongoing electronic privacy invasion even up to today.
So I have decided to lay all of my cards on the table and hope someone will take interest in my life and plight to vindicate myself, or if indeed I am found to be "out of touch with reality," help me gladly get the psychiatric help obviously needed!
I plan to make a new post everyday and include supporting evidence in the form of audiovideo, pictorial, eyewitness and physical devices I have collected over the past 6 years. Over 60gb AV & image data, countless hacked telecommunications devices, hidden sensory devices and several eyewitnesses.
The next post will explain why I chose to barricade myself in my last residence with the Philadelphia SWAT Team out front a couple months ago. And how I was "302'd" afterwards.. involuntarily committed to a mental ward with a discharge diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder with Psychotic Features...
All having to do with the subject of this blog.
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