
Introduction & Dedication

  This is my first blog, and I am dedicating it to my lovely family that I had to leave in South Carolina in order to escape further damage to myself in ways that no one will be able to believe, as I didn't believe was possible myself.  You can see pictures of my lovely family below.  After years of wondering what the hell was happening to me, and years of denial that all the weird and unbelievable things I witnessed and went through over 4 years, it wasn't until I began documenting the occurrences, examining and testing suspicious devices and objects, and performing extensive research online that I was able to intelligently conclude that I was under some form of surveillance involving tracking my every move, phone call, text message, websites visited, computers used and even my vital signs and who knows what other internal physiological functions. It became clear to me that everything that had happened definitely related to sophisticated and advanced experimentation in w...